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Stand with the People of Ukraine |
International US QWERTY layout with AltGr (Right Alt) dead keys via AutoHotkey (Win), MSKLC (Win) and XKB/Xmodmap (Linux).
=> CP key (blue) : Compose Key (Multi_key), in combination with AltGr (Right Alt).
=> Note that the ISO key (next to Left Shift) is not present on standard ANSI keyboards.
UltimateKEYS keeps all base keys the same as US QWERTY. However, holding down Right Alt (+ Shift) makes other diacritics and symbols accessible.
Via the 'Compose Key' (CP), even lots more diacritics and symbols can be accessed.
It also shares some similarities with "US-International". However, this project attempts to solve the most common difficulties from this counterpart.
One of those : the quotes issue, with ' and " now accessible as usual (or expected).
Further on, UltimateKEYS attempts to harmonize languages with Latin-based alphabets on US QWERTY, and has borrowed some aspects from EurKEY (also GPL v3) and US-International.
=> These pages feature the legacy version of UltimateKEYS.
=> Latest releases can be found at : UltimateKEYS website
=> Win/Linux : Only use "BASIC LATIN" characters (codes 32 to 126) for your Windows, Microsoft Live and Linux passwords !
Otherwise, it might be impossible to type any Unicode character higher than "Basic Latin" at the login screen/prompt (due to a different keyboard configuration) ! => ACCOUNT LOCKOUT
=> Win/Linux : ALWAYS make your system passwords VISIBLE during modification !
# Acute Accent <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <a> : "á" U00E1 # a with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <A> : "Á" U00C1 # A with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <c> : "ć" U0107 # c with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <C> : "Ć" U0106 # C with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <d> : "ḉ" U1E09 # c with cedilla and acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <D> : "Ḉ" U1E08 # C with cedilla and acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <e> : "é" U00E9 # e with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <E> : "É" U00C9 # E with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <g> : "ǵ" U01F5 # g with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <G> : "Ǵ" U01F4 # G with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <i> : "í" U00ED # i with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <I> : "Í" U00CD # I with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <j> : "ǿ" U01FF # o with stroke and acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <J> : "Ǿ" U01FE # O with stroke and acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <k> : "ḱ" U1E31 # k with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <K> : "Ḱ" U1E30 # K with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <l> : "ĺ" U013A # l with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <L> : "Ĺ" U0139 # L with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <m> : "ḿ" U1E3F # m with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <M> : "Ḿ" U1E3E # M with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <n> : "ń" U0144 # n with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <N> : "Ń" U0143 # N with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <o> : "ó" U00F3 # o with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <O> : "Ó" U00D3 # O with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <p> : "ṕ" U1E55 # p with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <P> : "Ṕ" U1E54 # P with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <q> : "ǽ" U01FD # ae with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <Q> : "Ǽ" U01FC # AE with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <r> : "ŕ" U0155 # r with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <R> : "Ŕ" U0154 # R with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <s> : "ś" U015B # s with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <S> : "Ś" U015A # S with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <u> : "ú" U00FA # u with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <U> : "Ú" U00DA # U with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <w> : "ẃ" U1E83 # w with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <W> : "Ẃ" U1E82 # W with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <x> : "ǻ" U01FB # a with ring above and acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <X> : "Ǻ" U01FA # A with ring above and acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <y> : "ý" U00FD # y with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <Y> : "Ý" U00DD # Y with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <z> : "ź" U017A # z with acute <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <Z> : "Ź" U0179 # Z with acute # Grave Accent <Multi_key> <grave> <a> : "à" U00E0 # a with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <A> : "À" U00C0 # A with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <e> : "è" U00E8 # e with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <E> : "È" U00C8 # E with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <i> : "ì" U00EC # i with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <I> : "Ì" U00CC # I with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <n> : "ǹ" U01F9 # n with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <N> : "Ǹ" U01F8 # N with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <o> : "ò" U00F2 # o with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <O> : "Ò" U00D2 # O with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <u> : "ù" U00F9 # u with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <U> : "Ù" U00D9 # U with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <w> : "ẁ" U1E81 # w with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <W> : "Ẁ" U1E80 # W with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <y> : "ỳ" U1EF3 # y with grave <Multi_key> <grave> <Y> : "Ỳ" U1EF2 # Y with grave # Diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <a> : "ä" U00E4 # a with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <A> : "Ä" U00C4 # A with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <e> : "ë" U00EB # e with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <E> : "Ë" U00CB # E with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <h> : "ḧ" U1E27 # h with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <H> : "Ḧ" U1E26 # H with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <i> : "ï" U00EF # i with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <I> : "Ï" U00CF # I with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <o> : "ö" U00F6 # o with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <O> : "Ö" U00D6 # O with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <t> : "ẗ" U1E97 # t with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <u> : "ü" U00FC # u with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <U> : "Ü" U00DC # U with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <w> : "ẅ" U1E85 # w with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <W> : "Ẅ" U1E84 # W with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <x> : "ẍ" U1E8D # x with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <X> : "Ẍ" U1E8C # X with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <y> : "ÿ" U00FF # y with diaeresis <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <Y> : "Ÿ" U0178 # Y with diaeresis # Circumflex Accent <Multi_key> <c> <a> : "â" U00E2 # a with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <A> : "Â" U00C2 # A with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <c> : "ĉ" U0109 # c with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <C> : "Ĉ" U0108 # C with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <e> : "ê" U00EA # e with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <E> : "Ê" U00CA # E with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <g> : "ĝ" U011D # g with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <G> : "Ĝ" U011C # G with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <h> : "ĥ" U0125 # h with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <H> : "Ĥ" U0124 # H with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <i> : "î" U00EE # i with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <I> : "Î" U00CE # I with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <j> : "ĵ" U0135 # j with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <J> : "Ĵ" U0134 # J with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <o> : "ô" U00F4 # o with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <O> : "Ô" U00D4 # O with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <s> : "ŝ" U015D # s with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <S> : "Ŝ" U015C # S with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <u> : "û" U00FB # u with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <U> : "Û" U00DB # U with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <w> : "ŵ" U0175 # w with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <W> : "Ŵ" U0174 # W with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <y> : "ŷ" U0177 # y with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <Y> : "Ŷ" U0176 # Y with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <z> : "ẑ" U1E91 # z with circumflex <Multi_key> <c> <Z> : "Ẑ" U1E90 # Z with circumflex # Tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <a> : "ã" U00E3 # a with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <A> : "Ã" U00C3 # A with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <e> : "ẽ" U1EBD # e with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <E> : "Ẽ" U1EBC # E with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <i> : "ĩ" U0129 # i with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <I> : "Ĩ" U0128 # I with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <l> : "ɫ" U026B # l with middle tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <L> : "Ɫ" U2C62 # L with middle tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <n> : "ñ" U00F1 # n with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <N> : "Ñ" U00D1 # N with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <o> : "õ" U00F5 # o with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <O> : "Õ" U00D5 # O with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <u> : "ũ" U0169 # u with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <U> : "Ũ" U0168 # U with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <v> : "ṽ" U1E7D # v with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <V> : "Ṽ" U1E7C # V with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <y> : "ỹ" U1EF9 # y with tilde <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <Y> : "Ỹ" U1EF8 # Y with tilde # Cedilla and Ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <a> : "ą" U0105 # a with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <A> : "Ą" U0104 # A with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <c> : "ç" U00E7 # c with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <C> : "Ç" U00C7 # C with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <d> : "ḑ" U1E11 # d with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <D> : "Ḑ" U1E10 # D with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <e> : "ę" U0119 # e with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <E> : "Ę" U0118 # E with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <f> : "ȩ" U0229 # e with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <F> : "Ȩ" U0228 # E with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <g> : "ģ" U0123 # g with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <G> : "Ģ" U0122 # G with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <h> : "ḩ" U1E29 # h with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <H> : "Ḩ" U1E28 # H with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <i> : "į" U012F # i with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <I> : "Į" U012E # I with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <k> : "ķ" U0137 # k with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <K> : "Ķ" U0136 # K with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <l> : "ļ" U013C # l with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <L> : "Ļ" U013B # L with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <n> : "ņ" U0146 # n with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <N> : "Ņ" U0145 # N with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <o> : "ǫ" U01EB # o with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <O> : "Ǫ" U01EA # O with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <r> : "ŗ" U0157 # r with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <R> : "Ŗ" U0156 # R with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <s> : "ş" U015F # s with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <S> : "Ş" U015E # S with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <t> : "ţ" U0163 # t with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <T> : "Ţ" U0162 # T with cedilla <Multi_key> <comma> <u> : "ų" U0173 # u with ogonek <Multi_key> <comma> <U> : "Ų" U0172 # U with ogonek # Caron <Multi_key> <v> <a> : "ǎ" U01CE # a with caron <Multi_key> <v> <A> : "Ǎ" U01CD # A with caron <Multi_key> <v> <c> : "č" U010D # c with caron <Multi_key> <v> <C> : "Č" U010C # C with caron <Multi_key> <v> <d> : "ď" U010F # d with caron <Multi_key> <v> <D> : "Ď" U010E # D with caron <Multi_key> <v> <e> : "ě" U011B # e with caron <Multi_key> <v> <E> : "Ě" U011A # E with caron <Multi_key> <v> <g> : "ǧ" U01E7 # g with caron <Multi_key> <v> <G> : "Ǧ" U01E6 # G with caron <Multi_key> <v> <h> : "ȟ" U021F # h with caron <Multi_key> <v> <H> : "Ȟ" U021E # H with caron <Multi_key> <v> <i> : "ǐ" U01D0 # i with caron <Multi_key> <v> <I> : "Ǐ" U01CF # I with caron <Multi_key> <v> <j> : "ǰ" U01F0 # j with caron <Multi_key> <v> <k> : "ǩ" U01E9 # k with caron <Multi_key> <v> <K> : "Ǩ" U01E8 # K with caron <Multi_key> <v> <l> : "ľ" U013E # l with caron <Multi_key> <v> <L> : "Ľ" U013D # L with caron <Multi_key> <v> <n> : "ň" U0148 # n with caron <Multi_key> <v> <N> : "Ň" U0147 # N with caron <Multi_key> <v> <o> : "ǒ" U01D2 # o with caron <Multi_key> <v> <O> : "Ǒ" U01D1 # O with caron <Multi_key> <v> <r> : "ř" U0159 # r with caron <Multi_key> <v> <R> : "Ř" U0158 # R with caron <Multi_key> <v> <s> : "š" U0161 # s with caron <Multi_key> <v> <S> : "Š" U0160 # S with caron <Multi_key> <v> <t> : "ť" U0165 # t with caron <Multi_key> <v> <T> : "Ť" U0164 # T with caron <Multi_key> <v> <u> : "ǔ" U01D4 # u with caron <Multi_key> <v> <U> : "Ǔ" U01D3 # U with caron <Multi_key> <v> <z> : "ž" U017E # z with caron <Multi_key> <v> <Z> : "Ž" U017D # Z with caron <Multi_key> <v> <3> : "ǯ" U01EF # small letter ezh with caron <Multi_key> <v> <numbersign> : "Ǯ" U01EE # capital letter ezh with caron # Dot Above <Multi_key> <period> <a> : "ȧ" U0227 # a with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <A> : "Ȧ" U0226 # A with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <b> : "ḃ" U1E03 # b with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <B> : "Ḃ" U1E02 # B with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <c> : "ċ" U010B # c with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <C> : "Ċ" U010A # C with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <d> : "ḋ" U1E0B # d with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <D> : "Ḋ" U1E0A # D with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <e> : "ė" U0117 # e with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <E> : "Ė" U0116 # E with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <f> : "ḟ" U1E1F # f with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <F> : "Ḟ" U1E1E # F with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <g> : "ġ" U0121 # g with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <G> : "Ġ" U0120 # G with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <h> : "ḣ" U1E23 # h with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <H> : "Ḣ" U1E22 # H with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <i> : "ı" U0131 # dotless i (Turkish, Azerbaijani) <Multi_key> <period> <I> : "İ" U0130 # I with dot above (Turkish, Azerbaijani) <Multi_key> <period> <j> : "ȷ" U0237 # dotless j <Multi_key> <period> <l> : "ŀ" U0140 # l with middle dot <Multi_key> <period> <L> : "Ŀ" U013F # L with middle dot <Multi_key> <period> <m> : "ṁ" U1E41 # m with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <M> : "Ṁ" U1E40 # M with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <n> : "ṅ" U1E45 # n with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <N> : "Ṅ" U1E44 # N with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <o> : "ȯ" U022F # o with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <O> : "Ȯ" U022E # O with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <p> : "ṗ" U1E57 # p with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <P> : "Ṗ" U1E56 # P with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <q> : "ẛ" U1E9B # long s with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <r> : "ṙ" U1E59 # r with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <R> : "Ṙ" U1E58 # R with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <s> : "ṡ" U1E61 # s with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <S> : "Ṡ" U1E60 # S with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <t> : "ṫ" U1E6B # t with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <T> : "Ṫ" U1E6A # T with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <u> : "ů" U016F # u with ring above <Multi_key> <period> <U> : "Ů" U016E # U with ring above <Multi_key> <period> <w> : "ẇ" U1E87 # w with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <W> : "Ẇ" U1E86 # W with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <x> : "ẋ" U1E8B # x with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <X> : "Ẋ" U1E8A # X with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <y> : "ẏ" U1E8F # y with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <Y> : "Ẏ" U1E8E # Y with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <z> : "ż" U017C # z with dot above <Multi_key> <period> <Z> : "Ż" U017B # Z with dot above # Ring Above <Multi_key> <o> <a> : "å" U00E5 # a with ring above <Multi_key> <o> <A> : "Å" U00C5 # A with ring above <Multi_key> <o> <u> : "ů" U016F # u with ring above <Multi_key> <o> <U> : "Ů" U016E # U with ring above <Multi_key> <o> <w> : "ẘ" U1E98 # w with ring above <Multi_key> <o> <y> : "ẙ" U1E99 # y with ring above # Macron and Stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <a> : "ā" U0101 # a with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <A> : "Ā" U0100 # A with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <b> : "ƀ" U0180 # b with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <B> : "Ƀ" U0243 # B with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <d> : "đ" U0111 # d with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <D> : "Đ" U0110 # D with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <e> : "ē" U0113 # e with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <E> : "Ē" U0112 # E with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <g> : "ǥ" U01E5 # g with stroke (Skolt Sami) <Multi_key> <minus> <G> : "Ǥ" U01E4 # G with stroke (Skolt Sami) <Multi_key> <minus> <h> : "ħ" U0127 # h with stroke (Maltese) <Multi_key> <minus> <H> : "Ħ" U0126 # H with stroke (Maltese) <Multi_key> <minus> <i> : "ī" U012B # i with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <I> : "Ī" U012A # I with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <j> : "ɉ" U0249 # j with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <J> : "Ɉ" U0248 # J with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <l> : "ł" U0142 # l with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <L> : "Ł" U0141 # L with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <o> : "ō" U014D # o with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <O> : "Ō" U014C # O with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <p> : "ᵽ" U1D7D # p with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <P> : "Ᵽ" U2C63 # P with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <q> : "ǭ" U01ED # o with ogonek and macron <Multi_key> <minus> <Q> : "Ǭ" U01EC # O with ogonek and macron <Multi_key> <minus> <r> : "ɍ" U024D # r with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <R> : "Ɍ" U024C # R with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <t> : "ŧ" U0167 # t with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <T> : "Ŧ" U0166 # T with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <u> : "ū" U016B # u with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <U> : "Ū" U016A # U with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <y> : "ȳ" U0233 # y with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <Y> : "Ȳ" U0232 # Y with macron <Multi_key> <minus> <z> : "ƶ" U01B6 # z with stroke <Multi_key> <minus> <Z> : "Ƶ" U01B5 # Z with stroke # Macron and Stroke (additional) <Multi_key> <underscore> <f> : "ẝ" U1E9D # long s with high stroke <Multi_key> <underscore> <g> : "ḡ" U1E21 # g with macron <Multi_key> <underscore> <G> : "Ḡ" U1E20 # G with macron <Multi_key> <underscore> <i> : "ɨ" U0268 # i with stroke <Multi_key> <underscore> <I> : "Ɨ" U0197 # I with stroke <Multi_key> <underscore> <l> : "ƚ" U019A # l with bar <Multi_key> <underscore> <L> : "Ƚ" U023D # L with bar <Multi_key> <underscore> <o> : "ɵ" U0275 # barred o <Multi_key> <underscore> <O> : "Ɵ" U019F # O with middle tilde <Multi_key> <underscore> <q> : "ǣ" U01E3 # ae with macron <Multi_key> <underscore> <Q> : "Ǣ" U01E2 # AE with macron <Multi_key> <underscore> <u> : "ʉ" U0289 # u with bar <Multi_key> <underscore> <U> : "Ʉ" U0244 # U with bar <Multi_key> <underscore> <y> : "ɏ" U024F # y with stroke <Multi_key> <underscore> <Y> : "Ɏ" U024E # Y with stroke # Oblique/Diagonal Stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <a> : "ⱥ" U2C65 # a with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <A> : "Ⱥ" U023A # A with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <c> : "ȼ" U023C # c with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <C> : "Ȼ" U023B # C with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <e> : "ɇ" U0247 # e with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <E> : "Ɇ" U0246 # E with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <f> : "ẜ" U1E9C # long s with diagonal stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <g> : "ꞡ" UA7A1 # g with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <G> : "Ꞡ" UA7A0 # G with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <k> : "ꞣ" UA7A3 # k with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <K> : "Ꞣ" UA7A2 # K with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <l> : "ł" U0142 # l with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <L> : "Ł" U0141 # L with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <n> : "ꞥ" UA7A5 # n with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <N> : "Ꞥ" UA7A4 # N with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <o> : "ø" U00F8 # o with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <O> : "Ø" U00D8 # O with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <r> : "ꞧ" UA7A7 # r with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <R> : "Ꞧ" UA7A6 # R with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <s> : "ꞩ" UA7A9 # s with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <S> : "Ꞩ" UA7A8 # S with oblique stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <t> : "ⱦ" U2C66 # t with stroke <Multi_key> <slash> <T> : "Ⱦ" U023E # T with stroke # Breve and Special Letters <Multi_key> <b> <a> : "ă" U0103 # a with breve <Multi_key> <b> <A> : "Ă" U0102 # A with breve <Multi_key> <b> <d> : "ɖ" U0256 # small letter d with tail <Multi_key> <b> <D> : "Ɖ" U0189 # capital letter African D <Multi_key> <b> <e> : "ĕ" U0115 # e with breve <Multi_key> <b> <E> : "Ĕ" U0114 # E with breve <Multi_key> <b> <g> : "ğ" U011F # g with breve <Multi_key> <b> <G> : "Ğ" U011E # G with breve <Multi_key> <b> <i> : "ĭ" U012D # i with breve <Multi_key> <b> <I> : "Ĭ" U012C # I with breve <Multi_key> <b> <o> : "ŏ" U014F # o with breve <Multi_key> <b> <O> : "Ŏ" U014E # O with breve <Multi_key> <b> <s> : "ș" U0219 # s with comma below (Romanian) <Multi_key> <b> <S> : "Ș" U0218 # S with comma below (Romanian) <Multi_key> <b> <t> : "ț" U021B # t with comma below (Romanian) <Multi_key> <b> <T> : "Ț" U021A # T with comma below (Romanian) <Multi_key> <b> <u> : "ŭ" U016D # u with breve <Multi_key> <b> <U> : "Ŭ" U016C # U with breve <Multi_key> <b> <3> : "ʒ" U0292 # small letter ezh <Multi_key> <b> <numbersign> : "Ʒ" U01B7 # capital letter ezh # Double Acute Accent <Multi_key> <equal> <o> : "ő" U0151 # o with double acute <Multi_key> <equal> <O> : "Ő" U0150 # O with double acute <Multi_key> <equal> <u> : "ű" U0171 # u with double acute <Multi_key> <equal> <U> : "Ű" U0170 # U with double acute # Hook, Horn and Variations <Multi_key> <h> <b> : "ɓ" U0253 # b with hook <Multi_key> <h> <B> : "Ɓ" U0181 # B with hook <Multi_key> <h> <c> : "ƈ" U0188 # c with hook <Multi_key> <h> <C> : "Ƈ" U0187 # C with hook <Multi_key> <h> <d> : "ɗ" U0257 # d with hook <Multi_key> <h> <D> : "Ɗ" U018A # D with hook <Multi_key> <h> <e> : "ɚ" U025A # small letter schwa with hook <Multi_key> <h> <f> : "ƒ" U0192 # f with hook <Multi_key> <h> <F> : "Ƒ" U0191 # F with hook <Multi_key> <h> <g> : "ɠ" U0260 # g with hook <Multi_key> <h> <G> : "Ɠ" U0193 # G with hook <Multi_key> <h> <h> : "ɦ" U0266 # h with hook <Multi_key> <h> <H> : "Ɦ" UA7AA # H with hook <Multi_key> <h> <j> : "ɧ" U0267 # small letter heng with hook <Multi_key> <h> <k> : "ƙ" U0199 # k with hook <Multi_key> <h> <K> : "Ƙ" U0198 # K with hook <Multi_key> <h> <l> : "ɬ" U026C # l with belt <Multi_key> <h> <L> : "Ɬ" UA7AD # L with belt <Multi_key> <h> <m> : "ɱ" U0271 # m with hook <Multi_key> <h> <M> : "Ɱ" U2C6E # M with hook <Multi_key> <h> <n> : "ɲ" U0272 # n with left hook <Multi_key> <h> <N> : "Ɲ" U019D # N with left hook <Multi_key> <h> <o> : "ơ" U01A1 # o with horn <Multi_key> <h> <O> : "Ơ" U01A0 # O with horn <Multi_key> <h> <p> : "ƥ" U01A5 # p with hook <Multi_key> <h> <P> : "Ƥ" U01A4 # P with hook <Multi_key> <h> <q> : "ɋ" U024B # q with hook tail <Multi_key> <h> <Q> : "Ɋ" U024A # Q with hook tail <Multi_key> <h> <r> : "ɽ" U027D # r with tail <Multi_key> <h> <R> : "Ɽ" U2C64 # R with tail <Multi_key> <h> <s> : "ʂ" U0282 # s with hook <Multi_key> <h> <t> : "ƭ" U01AD # t with hook <Multi_key> <h> <T> : "Ƭ" U01AC # T with hook <Multi_key> <h> <u> : "ư" U01B0 # u with horn <Multi_key> <h> <U> : "Ư" U01AF # U with horn <Multi_key> <h> <v> : "ʋ" U028B # v with hook <Multi_key> <h> <V> : "Ʋ" U01B2 # V with hook <Multi_key> <h> <w> : "ⱳ" U2C73 # w with hook <Multi_key> <h> <W> : "Ⱳ" U2C72 # W with hook <Multi_key> <h> <y> : "ƴ" U01B4 # y with hook <Multi_key> <h> <Y> : "Ƴ" U01B3 # Y with hook <Multi_key> <h> <z> : "ȥ" U0225 # z with hook <Multi_key> <h> <Z> : "Ȥ" U0224 # Z with hook # Retroflex Hook and Variations <Multi_key> <f> <d> : "ᶑ" U1D91 # d with hook and tail <Multi_key> <f> <e> : "ɝ" U025D # small letter reversed open e with hook <Multi_key> <f> <f> : "ᶔ" U1D94 # small letter reversed open e with retroflex hook <Multi_key> <f> <g> : "ꬶ" UAB36 # small letter script g with crossed-tail <Multi_key> <f> <h> : "ꜧ" UA727 # small letter heng <Multi_key> <f> <H> : "Ꜧ" UA726 # capital letter heng <Multi_key> <f> <j> : "ʝ" U029D # j with crossed-tail <Multi_key> <f> <J> : "Ʝ" UA7B2 # J with crossed-tail <Multi_key> <f> <l> : "ɭ" U026D # l with retroflex hook <Multi_key> <f> <n> : "ɳ" U0273 # n with retroflex hook <Multi_key> <f> <q> : "ʠ" U02A0 # q with hook <Multi_key> <f> <r> : "ɾ" U027E # r with fishhook <Multi_key> <f> <t> : "ʈ" U0288 # t with retroflex hook <Multi_key> <f> <T> : "Ʈ" U01AE # T with retroflex hook <Multi_key> <f> <v> : "ⱱ" U2C71 # v with right hook <Multi_key> <f> <z> : "ʐ" U0290 # z with retroflex hook # Swash Tail and Other Variations <Multi_key> <t> <c> : "ꞓ" UA793 # c with bar <Multi_key> <t> <C> : "Ꞓ" UA792 # C with bar <Multi_key> <t> <f> : "ꞙ" UA799 # f with stroke <Multi_key> <t> <F> : "Ꞙ" UA798 # F with stroke <Multi_key> <t> <l> : "ⱡ" U2C61 # l with double bar <Multi_key> <t> <L> : "Ⱡ" U2C60 # L with double bar <Multi_key> <t> <s> : "ȿ" U023F # s with swash tail <Multi_key> <t> <S> : "Ȿ" U2C7E # S with swash tail <Multi_key> <t> <z> : "ɀ" U0240 # z with swash tail <Multi_key> <t> <Z> : "Ɀ" U2C7F # Z with swash tail # Latin Greek Letters and Variations <Multi_key> <l> <a> : "ɑ" U0251 # Latin small letter alpha <Multi_key> <l> <A> : "Ɑ" U2C6D # Latin capital letter alpha <Multi_key> <l> <b> : "ɞ" U025E # small letter closed reversed open e <Multi_key> <l> <d> : "ẟ" U1E9F # Latin small letter delta <Multi_key> <l> <e> : "ɛ" U025B # small letter open e (Latin small epsilon) <Multi_key> <l> <E> : "Ɛ" U0190 # capital letter open E (Latin capital epsilon) <Multi_key> <l> <f> : "ɸ" U0278 # Latin small letter phi <Multi_key> <l> <g> : "ɡ" U0261 # small letter script g <Multi_key> <l> <G> : "Ɡ" UA7AC # capital letter script G <Multi_key> <l> <h> : "ƣ" U01A3 # small letter gha <Multi_key> <l> <H> : "Ƣ" U01A2 # capital letter gha <Multi_key> <l> <i> : "ɩ" U0269 # Latin small letter iota <Multi_key> <l> <I> : "Ɩ" U0196 # Latin capital letter iota <Multi_key> <l> <j> : "ɣ" U0263 # Latin small letter gamma <Multi_key> <l> <J> : "Ɣ" U0194 # Latin capital letter gamma <Multi_key> <l> <k> : "ĸ" U0138 # small letter kra <Multi_key> <l> <l> : "ƛ" U019B # Latin small letter lambda with stroke (barred lambda) <Multi_key> <l> <m> : "ɰ" U0270 # small letter turned m with long leg <Multi_key> <l> <n> : "ƞ" U019E # small letter n with long right leg <Multi_key> <l> <N> : "Ƞ" U0220 # capital letter N with long right leg <Multi_key> <l> <o> : "ɔ" U0254 # small letter open o <Multi_key> <l> <O> : "Ɔ" U0186 # capital letter open O <Multi_key> <l> <q> : "ɷ" U0277 # Latin small letter closed omega <Multi_key> <l> <s> : "ʃ" U0283 # Latin small letter esh <Multi_key> <l> <S> : "Ʃ" U01A9 # Latin capital letter esh <Multi_key> <l> <u> : "ʊ" U028A # Latin small letter upsilon <Multi_key> <l> <U> : "Ʊ" U01B1 # Latin capital letter upsilon <Multi_key> <l> <w> : "ƿ" U01BF # small letter wynn <Multi_key> <l> <W> : "Ƿ" U01F7 # capital letter wynn <Multi_key> <l> <y> : "ȝ" U021D # small letter yogh <Multi_key> <l> <Y> : "Ȝ" U021C # capital letter yogh <Multi_key> <l> <8> : "ȣ" U0223 # small letter ou <Multi_key> <l> <asterisk> : "Ȣ" U0222 # capital letter OU <Multi_key> <l> <7> : "ɂ" U0242 # small letter glottal stop <Multi_key> <l> <ampersand> : "Ɂ" U0241 # capital letter glottal stop <Multi_key> <l> <question> : "ʔ" U0294 # unicase letter glottal stop # Turned and Reversed Letters <Multi_key> <r> <a> : "ɐ" U0250 # small letter turned a <Multi_key> <r> <A> : "Ɐ" U2C6F # capital letter turned A <Multi_key> <r> <b> : "ɜ" U025C # small letter reversed open e <Multi_key> <r> <B> : "Ɜ" UA7AB # capital letter reversed open E <Multi_key> <r> <d> : "ƍ" U018D # Latin small letter turned delta <Multi_key> <r> <e> : "ǝ" U01DD # small letter turned e <Multi_key> <r> <E> : "Ǝ" U018E # capital letter reversed E <Multi_key> <r> <f> : "ɘ" U0258 # small letter reversed e <Multi_key> <r> <g> : "ᵷ" U1D77 # small letter turned g <Multi_key> <r> <G> : "⅁" U2141 # capital letter turned G <Multi_key> <r> <h> : "ɥ" U0265 # small letter turned h <Multi_key> <r> <H> : "Ɥ" UA78D # capital letter turned H <Multi_key> <r> <i> : "ᴉ" U1D09 # small letter turned i <Multi_key> <r> <k> : "ʞ" U029E # small letter turned k <Multi_key> <r> <K> : "Ʞ" UA7B0 # capital letter turned K <Multi_key> <r> <m> : "ɯ" U026F # small letter turned m <Multi_key> <r> <M> : "Ɯ" U019C # capital letter turned M <Multi_key> <r> <o> : "ɤ" U0264 # small letter ram's horn (baby gamma) <Multi_key> <r> <q> : "ɒ" U0252 # Latin small letter turned alpha <Multi_key> <r> <Q> : "Ɒ" U2C70 # Latin capital letter turned alpha <Multi_key> <r> <r> : "ɹ" U0279 # small letter turned r <Multi_key> <r> <t> : "ʇ" U0287 # small letter turned t <Multi_key> <r> <T> : "Ʇ" UA7B1 # capital letter turned T <Multi_key> <r> <v> : "ʌ" U028C # small letter turned v <Multi_key> <r> <V> : "Ʌ" U0245 # capital letter turned V <Multi_key> <r> <w> : "ʍ" U028D # small letter turned w <Multi_key> <r> <y> : "ʎ" U028E # small letter turned y <Multi_key> <r> <z> : "ƹ" U01B9 # Latin small letter ezh reversed <Multi_key> <r> <Z> : "Ƹ" U01B8 # Latin capital letter ezh reversed # Currency Symbols <Multi_key> <dollar> <a> : "֏" U058F # Armenian dram <Multi_key> <dollar> <A> : "₳" U20B3 # Argentine austral <Multi_key> <dollar> <b> : "₿" U20BF # bitcoin <Multi_key> <dollar> <B> : "฿" U0E3F # Thai baht <Multi_key> <dollar> <c> : "₡" U20A1 # Costa Rican colón <Multi_key> <dollar> <C> : "₵" U20B5 # Ghanaian cedi <Multi_key> <dollar> <d> : "₫" U20AB # Vietnamese dong <Multi_key> <dollar> <D> : "₯" U20AF # Greek drachma <Multi_key> <dollar> <e> : "€" U20AC # euro sign <Multi_key> <dollar> <E> : "₠" U20A0 # euro-currency sign <Multi_key> <dollar> <f> : "₣" U20A3 # French franc <Multi_key> <dollar> <F> : "₣" U20A3 # French franc <Multi_key> <dollar> <g> : "₲" U20B2 # Paraguayan guaraní <Multi_key> <dollar> <G> : "₾" U20BE # Georgian lari <Multi_key> <dollar> <h> : "₴" U20B4 # Ukrainian hryvnia <Multi_key> <dollar> <H> : "₴" U20B4 # Ukrainian hryvnia <Multi_key> <dollar> <i> : "₤" U20A4 # lira <Multi_key> <dollar> <I> : "₶" U20B6 # livre tournois <Multi_key> <dollar> <k> : "₭" U20AD # Laotian kip <Multi_key> <dollar> <K> : "₭" U20AD # Laotian kip <Multi_key> <dollar> <l> : "₺" U20BA # Turkish lira <Multi_key> <dollar> <L> : "£" U00A3 # pound sign <Multi_key> <dollar> <m> : "₼" U20BC # Azerbaijani manat <Multi_key> <dollar> <M> : "₥" U20A5 # mill sign <Multi_key> <dollar> <n> : "₦" U20A6 # Nigerian naira <Multi_key> <dollar> <N> : "₻" U20BB # Nordic mark <Multi_key> <dollar> <o> : "¢" U00A2 # cent sign (dollar) <Multi_key> <dollar> <p> : "₱" U20B1 # Philippine peso <Multi_key> <dollar> <P> : "₧" U20A7 # Spanish pesetas <Multi_key> <dollar> <r> : "₹" U20B9 # Indian rupee <Multi_key> <dollar> <R> : "₽" U20BD # Russian ruble <Multi_key> <dollar> <s> : "₪" U20AA # Israeli new shekel <Multi_key> <dollar> <S> : "₷" U20B7 # spesmilo <Multi_key> <dollar> <t> : "₮" U20AE # Mongolian tögrög (tugrik) <Multi_key> <dollar> <T> : "₸" U20B8 # Kazakh tenge <Multi_key> <dollar> <u> : "₨" U20A8 # rupee sign <Multi_key> <dollar> <U> : "₢" U20A2 # Brazilian cruzeiro <Multi_key> <dollar> <w> : "₩" U20A9 # South Korean won <Multi_key> <dollar> <W> : "₩" U20A9 # South Korean won <Multi_key> <dollar> <x> : "¤" U00A4 # currency sign <Multi_key> <dollar> <y> : "¥" U00A5 # yen sign <Multi_key> <dollar> <Y> : "¥" U00A5 # yen sign # Greek Alphabet <Multi_key> <g> <a> : "α" U03B1 # small alpha <Multi_key> <g> <A> : "Α" U0391 # capital alpha <Multi_key> <g> <b> : "β" U03B2 # small beta <Multi_key> <g> <B> : "Β" U0392 # capital beta <Multi_key> <g> <v> : "β" U03B2 # small beta <Multi_key> <g> <V> : "Β" U0392 # capital beta <Multi_key> <g> <g> : "γ" U03B3 # small gamma <Multi_key> <g> <G> : "Γ" U0393 # capital gamma <Multi_key> <g> <d> : "δ" U03B4 # small delta <Multi_key> <g> <D> : "Δ" U0394 # capital delta <Multi_key> <g> <e> : "ε" U03B5 # small epsilon <Multi_key> <g> <E> : "Ε" U0395 # capital epsilon <Multi_key> <g> <z> : "ζ" U03B6 # small zeta <Multi_key> <g> <Z> : "Ζ" U0396 # capital zeta <Multi_key> <g> <h> : "η" U03B7 # small eta <Multi_key> <g> <H> : "Η" U0397 # capital eta <Multi_key> <g> <j> : "θ" U03B8 # small theta <Multi_key> <g> <J> : "Θ" U0398 # capital theta <Multi_key> <g> <i> : "ι" U03B9 # small iota <Multi_key> <g> <I> : "Ι" U0399 # capital iota <Multi_key> <g> <k> : "κ" U03BA # small kappa <Multi_key> <g> <K> : "Κ" U039A # capital kappa <Multi_key> <g> <l> : "λ" U03BB # small lambda <Multi_key> <g> <L> : "Λ" U039B # capital lambda <Multi_key> <g> <m> : "μ" U03BC # small mu <Multi_key> <g> <M> : "Μ" U039C # capital mu <Multi_key> <g> <n> : "ν" U03BD # small nu <Multi_key> <g> <N> : "Ν" U039D # capital nu <Multi_key> <g> <x> : "ξ" U03BE # small xi <Multi_key> <g> <X> : "Ξ" U039E # capital xi <Multi_key> <g> <o> : "ο" U03BF # small omicron <Multi_key> <g> <O> : "Ο" U039F # capital omicron <Multi_key> <g> <p> : "π" U03C0 # small pi <Multi_key> <g> <P> : "Π" U03A0 # capital pi <Multi_key> <g> <r> : "ρ" U03C1 # small rho <Multi_key> <g> <R> : "Ρ" U03A1 # capital rho <Multi_key> <g> <s> : "σ" U03C3 # small sigma <Multi_key> <g> <comma> : "ς" U03C2 # small final sigma <Multi_key> <g> <S> : "Σ" U03A3 # capital sigma <Multi_key> <g> <t> : "τ" U03C4 # small tau <Multi_key> <g> <T> : "Τ" U03A4 # capital tau <Multi_key> <g> <u> : "υ" U03C5 # small upsilon <Multi_key> <g> <U> : "Υ" U03A5 # capital upsilon <Multi_key> <g> <y> : "υ" U03C5 # small upsilon <Multi_key> <g> <Y> : "Υ" U03A5 # capital upsilon <Multi_key> <g> <f> : "φ" U03C6 # small phi <Multi_key> <g> <F> : "Φ" U03A6 # capital phi <Multi_key> <g> <c> : "χ" U03C7 # small chi <Multi_key> <g> <C> : "Χ" U03A7 # capital chi <Multi_key> <g> <w> : "ψ" U03C8 # small psi <Multi_key> <g> <W> : "Ψ" U03A8 # capital psi <Multi_key> <g> <q> : "ω" U03C9 # small omega <Multi_key> <g> <Q> : "Ω" U03A9 # capital omega # Superscript Characters <Multi_key> <p> <1> : "¹" U00B9 # superscript 1 <Multi_key> <p> <2> : "²" U00B2 # superscript 2 <Multi_key> <p> <3> : "³" U00B3 # superscript 3 <Multi_key> <p> <4> : "⁴" U2074 # superscript 4 <Multi_key> <p> <5> : "⁵" U2075 # superscript 5 <Multi_key> <p> <6> : "⁶" U2076 # superscript 6 <Multi_key> <p> <7> : "⁷" U2077 # superscript 7 <Multi_key> <p> <8> : "⁸" U2078 # superscript 8 <Multi_key> <p> <9> : "⁹" U2079 # superscript 9 <Multi_key> <p> <0> : "⁰" U2070 # superscript 0 <Multi_key> <p> <i> : "ⁱ" U2071 # superscript i <Multi_key> <p> <n> : "ⁿ" U207F # superscript n <Multi_key> <p> <plus> : "⁺" U207A # superscript + <Multi_key> <p> <minus> : "⁻" U207B # superscript - <Multi_key> <p> <equal> : "⁼" U207C # superscript = <Multi_key> <p> <parenleft> : "⁽" U207D # superscript ( <Multi_key> <p> <parenright> : "⁾" U207E # superscript ) # Subscript Characters <Multi_key> <u> <1> : "₁" U2081 # subscript 1 <Multi_key> <u> <2> : "₂" U2082 # subscript 2 <Multi_key> <u> <3> : "₃" U2083 # subscript 3 <Multi_key> <u> <4> : "₄" U2084 # subscript 4 <Multi_key> <u> <5> : "₅" U2085 # subscript 5 <Multi_key> <u> <6> : "₆" U2086 # subscript 6 <Multi_key> <u> <7> : "₇" U2087 # subscript 7 <Multi_key> <u> <8> : "₈" U2088 # subscript 8 <Multi_key> <u> <9> : "₉" U2089 # subscript 9 <Multi_key> <u> <0> : "₀" U2080 # subscript 0 <Multi_key> <u> <a> : "ₐ" U2090 # subscript a <Multi_key> <u> <b> : "ᵦ" U1D66 # subscript beta <Multi_key> <u> <c> : "ᵪ" U1D6A # subscript chi <Multi_key> <u> <e> : "ₑ" U2091 # subscript e <Multi_key> <u> <E> : "ₔ" U2094 # subscript schwa <Multi_key> <u> <f> : "ᵩ" U1D69 # subscript phi <Multi_key> <u> <g> : "ᵧ" U1D67 # subscript gamma <Multi_key> <u> <h> : "ₕ" U2095 # subscript h <Multi_key> <u> <i> : "ᵢ" U1D62 # subscript i <Multi_key> <u> <j> : "ⱼ" U2C7C # subscript j <Multi_key> <u> <k> : "ₖ" U2096 # subscript k <Multi_key> <u> <l> : "ₗ" U2097 # subscript l <Multi_key> <u> <m> : "ₘ" U2098 # subscript m <Multi_key> <u> <n> : "ₙ" U2099 # subscript n <Multi_key> <u> <o> : "ₒ" U2092 # subscript o <Multi_key> <u> <p> : "ₚ" U209A # subscript p <Multi_key> <u> <r> : "ᵣ" U1D63 # subscript r <Multi_key> <u> <R> : "ᵨ" U1D68 # subscript rho <Multi_key> <u> <s> : "ₛ" U209B # subscript s <Multi_key> <u> <t> : "ₜ" U209C # subscript t <Multi_key> <u> <u> : "ᵤ" U1D64 # subscript u <Multi_key> <u> <v> : "ᵥ" U1D65 # subscript v <Multi_key> <u> <x> : "ₓ" U2093 # subscript x <Multi_key> <u> <plus> : "₊" U208A # subscript + <Multi_key> <u> <minus> : "₋" U208B # subscript - <Multi_key> <u> <equal> : "₌" U208C # subscript = <Multi_key> <u> <parenleft> : "₍" U208D # subscript ( <Multi_key> <u> <parenright> : "₎" U208E # subscript ) # Spacing Characters and Dashes <Multi_key> <space> <1> : " " U2004 # three-per-em space <Multi_key> <space> <2> : " " U2002 # en space <Multi_key> <space> <3> : " " U2003 # em space <Multi_key> <space> <4> : " " U2005 # four-per-em space <Multi_key> <space> <6> : " " U2006 # six-per-em space <Multi_key> <space> <9> : " " U2007 # figure space <Multi_key> <space> <0> : "" U200B # zero-width space (ZWSP) <Multi_key> <space> <b> : " " U00A0 # non-breaking space (NBSP) <Multi_key> <space> <m> : " " U205F # medium mathematical space (MMSP) <Multi_key> <space> <n> : " " U202F # narrow no-break space (NNBSP) <Multi_key> <space> <p> : " " U2008 # punctuation space <Multi_key> <space> <t> : " " U2009 # thin space <Multi_key> <space> <h> : " " U200A # hair space <Multi_key> <space> <period> : " " U2008 # punctuation space <Multi_key> <minus> <1> : "‐" U2010 # hyphen <Multi_key> <minus> <2> : "–" U2013 # en dash <Multi_key> <minus> <3> : "—" U2014 # em dash <Multi_key> <minus> <4> : "―" U2015 # horizontal bar <Multi_key> <minus> <9> : "‒" U2012 # figure dash <Multi_key> <minus> <0> : "" U00AD # soft hyphen (SHY) <Multi_key> <minus> <minus> : "‑" U2011 # non-breaking hyphen # Arrows and Pointing Triangles <Multi_key> <a> <w> : "▲" U25B2 # black up-pointing triangle <Multi_key> <a> <a> : "◀" U25C0 # black left-pointing triangle <Multi_key> <a> <s> : "▼" U25BC # black down-pointing triangle <Multi_key> <a> <d> : "▶" U25B6 # black right-pointing triangle <Multi_key> <a> <i> : "△" U25B3 # white up-pointing triangle <Multi_key> <a> <j> : "◁" U25C1 # white left-pointing triangle <Multi_key> <a> <k> : "▽" U25BD # white down-pointing triangle <Multi_key> <a> <l> : "▷" U25B7 # white right-pointing triangle <Multi_key> <a> <q> : "■" U25A0 # black square <Multi_key> <a> <u> : "□" U25A1 # white square <Multi_key> <a> <z> : "◆" U25C6 # black diamond <Multi_key> <a> <m> : "◇" U25C7 # white diamond <Multi_key> <a> <1> : "↙" U2199 # south west arrow <Multi_key> <a> <2> : "↓" U2193 # downwards arrow <Multi_key> <a> <3> : "↘" U2198 # south east arrow <Multi_key> <a> <4> : "←" U2190 # leftwards arrow <Multi_key> <a> <5> : "↕" U2195 # up down arrow <Multi_key> <a> <6> : "→" U2192 # rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <a> <7> : "↖" U2196 # north west arrow <Multi_key> <a> <8> : "↑" U2191 # upwards arrow <Multi_key> <a> <9> : "↗" U2197 # north east arrow <Multi_key> <a> <0> : "↔" U2194 # left right arrow <Multi_key> <q> <w> : "▴" U25B4 # black up-pointing small triangle <Multi_key> <q> <a> : "◂" U25C2 # black left-pointing small triangle <Multi_key> <q> <s> : "▾" U25BE # black down-pointing small triangle <Multi_key> <q> <d> : "▸" U25B8 # black right-pointing small triangle <Multi_key> <q> <i> : "▵" U25B5 # white up-pointing small triangle <Multi_key> <q> <j> : "◃" U25C3 # white left-pointing small triangle <Multi_key> <q> <k> : "▿" U25BF # white down-pointing small triangle <Multi_key> <q> <l> : "▹" U25B9 # white right-pointing small triangle <Multi_key> <q> <q> : "▪" U25AA # black small square <Multi_key> <q> <u> : "▫" U25AB # white small square <Multi_key> <q> <z> : "⬥" U2B25 # black medium diamond <Multi_key> <q> <m> : "⬦" U2B26 # white medium diamond <Multi_key> <q> <1> : "⇙" U21D9 # south west double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <2> : "⇓" U21D3 # downwards double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <3> : "⇘" U21D8 # south east double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <4> : "⇐" U21D0 # leftwards double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <5> : "⇕" U21D5 # up down double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <6> : "⇒" U21D2 # rightwards double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <7> : "⇖" U21D6 # north west double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <8> : "⇑" U21D1 # upwards double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <9> : "⇗" U21D7 # north east double arrow <Multi_key> <q> <0> : "⇔" U21D4 # left right double arrow # Various Symbols <Multi_key> <s> <a> : "℀" U2100 # account of <Multi_key> <s> <c> : "℅" U2105 # care of <Multi_key> <s> <d> : "⋄" U22C4 # diamond operator <Multi_key> <s> <e> : "℮" U212E # estimated symbol <Multi_key> <s> <f> : "♀" U2640 # female sign (Venus) <Multi_key> <s> <h> : "⌂" U2302 # house <Multi_key> <s> <H> : "Ω" U2126 # ohm sign (backwards compatibility) <Multi_key> <s> <i> : "⌀" U2300 # diameter sign <Multi_key> <s> <j> : "℁" U2101 # addressed to the subject <Multi_key> <s> <k> : "⅍" U214D # aktieselskab <Multi_key> <s> <l> : "ℓ" U2113 # script small l <Multi_key> <s> <L> : "ℒ" U2112 # Laplace transform <Multi_key> <s> <m> : "♂" U2642 # male sign (Mars) <Multi_key> <s> <M> : "℠" U2120 # service mark <Multi_key> <s> <p> : "℞" U211E # prescription take (Recipere) <Multi_key> <s> <P> : "℞" U211E # prescription take (Recipere) <Multi_key> <s> <r> : "℟" U211F # response (liturgy) <Multi_key> <s> <R> : "℟" U211F # response (liturgy) <Multi_key> <s> <u> : "℆" U2106 # cada una (each one) <Multi_key> <s> <v> : "℣" U2123 # versicle (liturgy) <Multi_key> <s> <V> : "℣" U2123 # versicle (liturgy) <Multi_key> <s> <x> : "※" U203B # reference mark <Multi_key> <s> <2> : "♫" U266B # beamed eighth notes <Multi_key> <s> <3> : "⁂" U2042 # asterism <Multi_key> <s> <4> : "※" U203B # reference mark <Multi_key> <s> <5> : "★" U2605 # black star <Multi_key> <s> <6> : "☆" U2606 # white star <Multi_key> <s> <8> : "♪" U266A # eighth note <Multi_key> <s> <exclam> : "‼" U203C # double exclamation mark <Multi_key> <s> <question> : "⸮" U2E2E # reversed question mark <Multi_key> <s> <slash> : "⁞" U205E # vertical four dots <Multi_key> <s> <bar> : "¦" U00A6 # broken bar # Math Symbols <Multi_key> <m> <a> : "∀" U2200 # for all <Multi_key> <m> <A> : "∀" U2200 # for all <Multi_key> <m> <b> : "⊆" U2286 # subset of or equal to <Multi_key> <m> <B> : "⊇" U2287 # superset of or equal to <Multi_key> <m> <c> : "∝" U221D # proportional to <Multi_key> <m> <C> : "ℂ" U2102 # complex numbers <Multi_key> <m> <d> : "∆" U2206 # increment operator <Multi_key> <m> <D> : "∇" U2207 # nabla/del operator <Multi_key> <m> <e> : "∃" U2203 # there exists <Multi_key> <m> <E> : "∄" U2204 # there does not exist <Multi_key> <m> <f> : "ƒ" U0192 # f with hook <Multi_key> <m> <F> : "∎" U220E # end of proof <Multi_key> <m> <g> : "⊂" U2282 # subset of <Multi_key> <m> <G> : "⊄" U2284 # not a subset of <Multi_key> <m> <h> : "⊃" U2283 # superset of <Multi_key> <m> <H> : "⊅" U2285 # not a superset of <Multi_key> <m> <I> : "ℑ" U2111 # imaginary numbers <Multi_key> <m> <j> : "≅" U2245 # congruent to <Multi_key> <m> <J> : "≇" U2247 # not congruent to <Multi_key> <m> <k> : "∋" U220B # contains as member <Multi_key> <m> <K> : "∌" U220C # does not contain as member <Multi_key> <m> <l> : "∥" U2225 # parallel to <Multi_key> <m> <L> : "∦" U2226 # not parallel to <Multi_key> <m> <m> : "∈" U2208 # element of <Multi_key> <m> <M> : "∉" U2209 # not an element of <Multi_key> <m> <n> : "¬" U00AC # not sign <Multi_key> <m> <N> : "ℕ" U2115 # natural numbers <Multi_key> <m> <o> : "∘" U2218 # ring operator <Multi_key> <m> <O> : "∅" U2205 # empty set <Multi_key> <m> <p> : "∂" U2202 # partial differential <Multi_key> <m> <P> : "ℙ" U2119 # prime numbers <Multi_key> <m> <Q> : "ℚ" U211A # rational numbers <Multi_key> <m> <R> : "ℝ" U211D # real numbers <Multi_key> <m> <s> : "∩" U2229 # set intersection <Multi_key> <m> <S> : "∫" U222B # integral symbol <Multi_key> <m> <t> : "≡" U2261 # identical to <Multi_key> <m> <T> : "≢" U2262 # not identical to <Multi_key> <m> <u> : "∪" U222A # set union <Multi_key> <m> <U> : "∖" U2216 # set minus <Multi_key> <m> <w> : "℘" U2118 # Weierstrass elliptic function <Multi_key> <m> <z> : "↯" U21AF # downwards zigzag arrow <Multi_key> <m> <Z> : "ℤ" U2124 # whole numbers <Multi_key> <m> <2> : "∶" U2236 # ratio symbol <Multi_key> <m> <4> : "∷" U2237 # proportion sign <Multi_key> <m> <6> : "∠" U2220 # angle symbol <Multi_key> <m> <9> : "∟" U221F # right angle <Multi_key> <m> <0> : "∡" U2221 # measured angle <Multi_key> <m> <period> : "⋅" U22C5 # dot operator <Multi_key> <m> <equal> : "≝" U225D # equal to by definition <Multi_key> <m> <plus> : "⊕" U2295 # circled plus <Multi_key> <m> <minus> : "⊖" U2296 # circled minus <Multi_key> <m> <asterisk> : "⊗" U2297 # circled times <Multi_key> <m> <slash> : "⊘" U2298 # circled division slash <Multi_key> <m> <semicolon> : "∵" U2235 # because sign <Multi_key> <m> <colon> : "∴" U2234 # therefore sign <Multi_key> <m> <ampersand> : "∧" U2227 # logical and <Multi_key> <m> <bar> : "∨" U2228 # logical or # Special Letters/Characters <Multi_key> <a> <e> : "æ" U00E6 # letter ae <Multi_key> <A> <E> : "Æ" U00C6 # letter AE <Multi_key> <d> <h> : "ð" U00F0 # small letter eth <Multi_key> <D> <H> : "Ð" U00D0 # capital letter eth <Multi_key> <e> <e> : "ə" U0259 # small letter schwa <Multi_key> <E> <E> : "Ə" U018F # capital letter schwa <Multi_key> <f> <s> : "ſ" U017F # small letter long s <Multi_key> <i> <j> : "ij" U0133 # ligature ij <Multi_key> <I> <J> : "IJ" U0132 # ligature IJ <Multi_key> <n> <g> : "ŋ" U014B # small letter eng(ma) <Multi_key> <N> <G> : "Ŋ" U014A # capital letter eng(ma) <Multi_key> <o> <e> : "œ" U0153 # ligature oe <Multi_key> <O> <E> : "Œ" U0152 # ligature OE <Multi_key> <s> <s> : "ß" U00DF # small sharp s (Eszett) <Multi_key> <S> <S> : "ẞ" U1E9E # capital sharp S (capital Eszett) <Multi_key> <t> <h> : "þ" U00FE # small letter thorn <Multi_key> <T> <H> : "Þ" U00DE # capital letter thorn # General/Math Symbols <Multi_key> <d> <d> : "†" U2020 # dagger <Multi_key> <D> <D> : "‡" U2021 # double dagger <Multi_key> <i> <i> : "∞" U221E # infinity symbol <Multi_key> <8> <8> : "∞" U221E # infinity symbol <Multi_key> <m> <i> : "µ" U00B5 # micro sign <Multi_key> <n> <o> : "№" U2116 # numero sign <Multi_key> <N> <o> : "№" U2116 # numero sign <Multi_key> <o> <x> : "¤" U00A4 # currency sign <Multi_key> <p> <p> : "¶" U00B6 # pilcrow sign <Multi_key> <P> <P> : "¶" U00B6 # pilcrow sign <Multi_key> <r> <2> : "√" U221A # square root <Multi_key> <r> <3> : "∛" U221B # cube root <Multi_key> <r> <4> : "∜" U221C # fourth root <Multi_key> <s> <o> : "§" U00A7 # section sign <Multi_key> <S> <o> : "§" U00A7 # section sign <Multi_key> <t> <m> : "™" U2122 # trademark symbol <Multi_key> <v> <v> : "✓" U2713 # check mark <Multi_key> <y> <y> : "✓" U2713 # check mark <Multi_key> <V> <V> : "✔" U2714 # heavy check mark <Multi_key> <Y> <Y> : "✔" U2714 # heavy check mark <Multi_key> <x> <x> : "✗" U2717 # ballot x <Multi_key> <X> <X> : "✘" U2718 # heavy ballot x <Multi_key> <bar> <bar> : "‖" U2016 # double vertical line <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <1> : "′" U2032 # prime <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <2> : "″" U2033 # double prime <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <3> : "‴" U2034 # triple prime <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <4> : "⁗" U2057 # quadruple prime <Multi_key> <asterisk> <asterisk> : "×" U00D7 # multiplication sign <Multi_key> <slash> <slash> : "÷" U00F7 # division sign <Multi_key> <asterisk> <o> : "°" U00B0 # degree sign <Multi_key> <o> <asterisk> : "°" U00B0 # degree sign <Multi_key> <period> <minus> : "·" U00B7 # middle dot <Multi_key> <period> <3> : "…" U2026 # horizontal ellipsis <Multi_key> <period> <period> : "…" U2026 # horizontal ellipsis <Multi_key> <a> <minus> : "ª" U00AA # feminine ordinal indicator (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Galician) <Multi_key> <o> <minus> : "º" U00BA # masculine ordinal indicator (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Galician) <Multi_key> <exclam> <exclam> : "¡" U00A1 # inverted exclamation mark <Multi_key> <question> <question> : "¿" U00BF # inverted question mark <Multi_key> <exclam> <question> : "‽" U203D # interrobang <Multi_key> <question> <exclam> : "⸘" U2E18 # inverted interrobang <Multi_key> <o> <c> : "©" U00A9 # copyright sign <Multi_key> <parenleft> <c> : "©" U00A9 # copyright sign <Multi_key> <o> <p> : "℗" U2117 # sound recording copyright <Multi_key> <parenleft> <p> : "℗" U2117 # sound recording copyright <Multi_key> <o> <r> : "®" U00AE # registered sign <Multi_key> <parenleft> <r> : "®" U00AE # registered sign <Multi_key> <plus> <minus> : "±" U00B1 # plus-minus sign <Multi_key> <minus> <plus> : "∓" U2213 # minus-or-plus sign <Multi_key> <percent> <percent> : "‰" U2030 # per mille sign <Multi_key> <percent> <3> : "‰" U2030 # per mille sign <Multi_key> <percent> <4> : "‱" U2031 # per ten thousand sign <Multi_key> <exclam> <equal> : "≠" U2260 # not equal to <Multi_key> <less> <greater> : "≠" U2260 # not equal to <Multi_key> <less> <equal> : "≤" U2264 # less-than or equal to <Multi_key> <greater> <equal> : "≥" U2265 # greater-than or equal to <Multi_key> <less> <plus> : "⩽" U2A7D # less-than or slanted equal to <Multi_key> <greater> <plus> : "⩾" U2A7E # greater-than or slanted equal to <Multi_key> <asciitilde> <asciitilde> : "≈" U2248 # almost equal to <Multi_key> <semicolon> <b> : "•" U2022 # bullet <Multi_key> <semicolon> <o> : "◦" U25E6 # white bullet <Multi_key> <semicolon> <w> : "◦" U25E6 # white bullet <Multi_key> <semicolon> <h> : "⁃" U2043 # hyphen bullet <Multi_key> <semicolon> <t> : "‣" U2023 # triangular bullet <Multi_key> <semicolon> <semicolon> : "•" U2022 # bullet <Multi_key> <colon> <parenleft> : "☹" U2639 # white frowning face <Multi_key> <colon> <parenright> : "☺" U263A # white smiling face <Multi_key> <semicolon> <parenright> : "☻" U263B # black smiling face <Multi_key> <less> <3> : "♥" U2665 # black heart suit <Multi_key> <bracketleft> <bracketright> : "☐" U2610 # ballot box <Multi_key> <bracketleft> <v> : "☑" U2611 # ballot box with check <Multi_key> <bracketleft> <y> : "☑" U2611 # ballot box with check <Multi_key> <bracketleft> <x> : "☒" U2612 # ballot box with x # Vulgar Fractions <Multi_key> <1> <2> : "½" U00BD # vulgar fraction 1/2 <Multi_key> <1> <3> : "⅓" U2153 # vulgar fraction 1/3 <Multi_key> <2> <3> : "⅔" U2154 # vulgar fraction 2/3 <Multi_key> <1> <4> : "¼" U00BC # vulgar fraction 1/4 <Multi_key> <3> <4> : "¾" U00BE # vulgar fraction 3/4 <Multi_key> <1> <5> : "⅕" U2155 # vulgar fraction 1/5 <Multi_key> <2> <5> : "⅖" U2156 # vulgar fraction 2/5 <Multi_key> <3> <5> : "⅗" U2157 # vulgar fraction 3/5 <Multi_key> <4> <5> : "⅘" U2158 # vulgar fraction 4/5 <Multi_key> <1> <6> : "⅙" U2159 # vulgar fraction 1/6 <Multi_key> <5> <6> : "⅚" U215A # vulgar fraction 5/6 <Multi_key> <1> <7> : "⅐" U2150 # vulgar fraction 1/7 <Multi_key> <1> <8> : "⅛" U215B # vulgar fraction 1/8 <Multi_key> <3> <8> : "⅜" U215C # vulgar fraction 3/8 <Multi_key> <5> <8> : "⅝" U215D # vulgar fraction 5/8 <Multi_key> <7> <8> : "⅞" U215E # vulgar fraction 7/8 <Multi_key> <1> <9> : "⅑" U2151 # vulgar fraction 1/9 <Multi_key> <1> <0> : "⅒" U2152 # vulgar fraction 1/10 <Multi_key> <0> <3> : "↉" U2189 # vulgar fraction 0/3 # Quotation Marks <Multi_key> <comma> <quotedbl> : "„" U201E # double low-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <comma> : "„" U201E # double low-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <comma> <apostrophe> : "‚" U201A # single low-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <comma> : "‚" U201A # single low-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <comma> <comma> : "‚" U201A # single low-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <bracketleft> : "“" U201C # left double quotation mark <Multi_key> <bracketleft> <quotedbl> : "“" U201C # left double quotation mark <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <bracketright> : "”" U201D # right double quotation mark <Multi_key> <bracketright> <quotedbl> : "”" U201D # right double quotation mark <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <bracketleft> : "‘" U2018 # left single quotation mark <Multi_key> <bracketleft> <apostrophe> : "‘" U2018 # left single quotation mark <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <bracketright> : "’" U2019 # right single quotation mark <Multi_key> <bracketright> <apostrophe> : "’" U2019 # right single quotation mark <Multi_key> <backslash> <quotedbl> : "‟" U201F # double high-reversed-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <backslash> : "‟" U201F # double high-reversed-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <backslash> <apostrophe> : "‛" U201B # single high-reversed-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <backslash> : "‛" U201B # single high-reversed-9 quotation mark <Multi_key> <less> <less> : "«" U00AB # left-pointing double angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <less> <quotedbl> : "«" U00AB # left-pointing double angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <less> : "«" U00AB # left-pointing double angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <greater> <greater> : "»" U00BB # right-pointing double angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <greater> <quotedbl> : "»" U00BB # right-pointing double angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <quotedbl> <greater> : "»" U00BB # right-pointing double angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <less> <apostrophe> : "‹" U2039 # left-pointing single angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <less> : "‹" U2039 # left-pointing single angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <greater> <apostrophe> : "›" U203A # right-pointing single angle quotation mark <Multi_key> <apostrophe> <greater> : "›" U203A # right-pointing single angle quotation mark # Chess Pieces and Playing Card Suit Symbols <Multi_key> <C> <k> : "♔" U2654 # white chess king <Multi_key> <C> <q> : "♕" U2655 # white chess queen <Multi_key> <C> <r> : "♖" U2656 # white chess rook <Multi_key> <C> <b> : "♗" U2657 # white chess bishop <Multi_key> <C> <n> : "♘" U2658 # white chess knight <Multi_key> <C> <p> : "♙" U2659 # white chess pawn <Multi_key> <C> <K> : "♚" U265A # black chess king <Multi_key> <C> <Q> : "♛" U265B # black chess queen <Multi_key> <C> <R> : "♜" U265C # black chess rook <Multi_key> <C> <B> : "♝" U265D # black chess bishop <Multi_key> <C> <N> : "♞" U265E # black chess knight <Multi_key> <C> <P> : "♟" U265F # black chess pawn <Multi_key> <C> <c> : "♧" U2667 # white club suit <Multi_key> <C> <C> : "♣" U2663 # black club suit <Multi_key> <C> <d> : "♢" U2662 # white diamond suit <Multi_key> <C> <D> : "♦" U2666 # black diamond suit <Multi_key> <C> <h> : "♡" U2661 # white heart suit <Multi_key> <C> <H> : "♥" U2665 # black heart suit <Multi_key> <C> <s> : "♤" U2664 # white spade suit <Multi_key> <C> <S> : "♠" U2660 # black spade suit # Double Grave Accent <Multi_key> <G> <a> : "ȁ" U0201 # a with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <A> : "Ȁ" U0200 # A with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <e> : "ȅ" U0205 # e with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <E> : "Ȅ" U0204 # E with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <i> : "ȉ" U0209 # i with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <I> : "Ȉ" U0208 # I with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <o> : "ȍ" U020D # o with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <O> : "Ȍ" U020C # O with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <r> : "ȑ" U0211 # r with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <R> : "Ȑ" U0210 # R with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <u> : "ȕ" U0215 # u with double grave <Multi_key> <G> <U> : "Ȕ" U0214 # U with double grave # Inverted Breve <Multi_key> <B> <a> : "ȃ" U0203 # a with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <A> : "Ȃ" U0202 # A with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <e> : "ȇ" U0207 # e with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <E> : "Ȇ" U0206 # E with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <i> : "ȋ" U020B # i with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <I> : "Ȋ" U020A # I with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <o> : "ȏ" U020F # o with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <O> : "Ȏ" U020E # O with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <r> : "ȓ" U0213 # r with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <R> : "Ȓ" U0212 # R with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <u> : "ȗ" U0217 # u with inverted breve <Multi_key> <B> <U> : "Ȗ" U0216 # U with inverted breve # Circumflex Below <Multi_key> <I> <d> : "ḓ" U1E13 # d with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <D> : "Ḓ" U1E12 # D with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <e> : "ḙ" U1E19 # e with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <E> : "Ḙ" U1E18 # E with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <l> : "ḽ" U1E3D # l with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <L> : "Ḽ" U1E3C # L with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <n> : "ṋ" U1E4B # n with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <N> : "Ṋ" U1E4A # N with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <t> : "ṱ" U1E71 # t with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <T> : "Ṱ" U1E70 # T with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <u> : "ṷ" U1E77 # u with circumflex below <Multi_key> <I> <U> : "Ṷ" U1E76 # U with circumflex below # Tilde Below <Multi_key> <T> <e> : "ḛ" U1E1B # e with tilde below <Multi_key> <T> <E> : "Ḛ" U1E1A # E with tilde below <Multi_key> <T> <i> : "ḭ" U1E2D # i with tilde below <Multi_key> <T> <I> : "Ḭ" U1E2C # I with tilde below <Multi_key> <T> <u> : "ṵ" U1E75 # u with tilde below <Multi_key> <T> <U> : "Ṵ" U1E74 # U with tilde below # Line Below <Multi_key> <L> <b> : "ḇ" U1E07 # b with line below <Multi_key> <L> <B> : "Ḇ" U1E06 # B with line below <Multi_key> <L> <d> : "ḏ" U1E0F # d with line below <Multi_key> <L> <D> : "Ḏ" U1E0E # D with line below <Multi_key> <L> <h> : "ẖ" U1E96 # h with line below <Multi_key> <L> <k> : "ḵ" U1E35 # k with line below <Multi_key> <L> <K> : "Ḵ" U1E34 # K with line below <Multi_key> <L> <l> : "ḻ" U1E3B # l with line below <Multi_key> <L> <L> : "Ḻ" U1E3A # L with line below <Multi_key> <L> <n> : "ṉ" U1E49 # n with line below <Multi_key> <L> <N> : "Ṉ" U1E48 # N with line below <Multi_key> <L> <r> : "ṟ" U1E5F # r with line below <Multi_key> <L> <R> : "Ṟ" U1E5E # R with line below <Multi_key> <L> <t> : "ṯ" U1E6F # t with line below <Multi_key> <L> <T> : "Ṯ" U1E6E # T with line below <Multi_key> <L> <z> : "ẕ" U1E95 # z with line below <Multi_key> <L> <Z> : "Ẕ" U1E94 # Z with line below # Ring Below, Breve Below and Diaeresis Below <Multi_key> <R> <a> : "ḁ" U1E01 # a with ring below <Multi_key> <R> <A> : "Ḁ" U1E00 # A with ring below <Multi_key> <R> <h> : "ḫ" U1E2B # h with breve below <Multi_key> <R> <H> : "Ḫ" U1E2A # H with breve below <Multi_key> <R> <u> : "ṳ" U1E73 # u with diaeresis below <Multi_key> <R> <U> : "Ṳ" U1E72 # U with diaeresis below # Hook Above <Multi_key> <less> <a> : "ả" U1EA3 # a with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <A> : "Ả" U1EA2 # A with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <e> : "ẻ" U1EBB # e with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <E> : "Ẻ" U1EBA # E with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <i> : "ỉ" U1EC9 # i with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <I> : "Ỉ" U1EC8 # I with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <o> : "ỏ" U1ECF # o with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <O> : "Ỏ" U1ECE # O with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <u> : "ủ" U1EE7 # u with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <U> : "Ủ" U1EE6 # U with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <y> : "ỷ" U1EF7 # y with hook above <Multi_key> <less> <Y> : "Ỷ" U1EF6 # Y with hook above # Dot Below <Multi_key> <greater> <a> : "ạ" U1EA1 # a with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <A> : "Ạ" U1EA0 # A with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <b> : "ḅ" U1E05 # b with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <B> : "Ḅ" U1E04 # B with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <d> : "ḍ" U1E0D # d with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <D> : "Ḍ" U1E0C # D with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <e> : "ẹ" U1EB9 # e with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <E> : "Ẹ" U1EB8 # E with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <h> : "ḥ" U1E25 # h with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <H> : "Ḥ" U1E24 # H with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <i> : "ị" U1ECB # i with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <I> : "Ị" U1ECA # I with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <k> : "ḳ" U1E33 # k with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <K> : "Ḳ" U1E32 # K with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <l> : "ḷ" U1E37 # l with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <L> : "Ḷ" U1E36 # L with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <m> : "ṃ" U1E43 # m with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <M> : "Ṃ" U1E42 # M with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <n> : "ṇ" U1E47 # n with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <N> : "Ṇ" U1E46 # N with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <o> : "ọ" U1ECD # o with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <O> : "Ọ" U1ECC # O with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <r> : "ṛ" U1E5B # r with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <R> : "Ṛ" U1E5A # R with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <s> : "ṣ" U1E63 # s with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <S> : "Ṣ" U1E62 # S with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <t> : "ṭ" U1E6D # t with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <T> : "Ṭ" U1E6C # T with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <u> : "ụ" U1EE5 # u with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <U> : "Ụ" U1EE4 # U with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <v> : "ṿ" U1E7F # v with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <V> : "Ṿ" U1E7E # V with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <w> : "ẉ" U1E89 # w with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <W> : "Ẉ" U1E88 # W with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <y> : "ỵ" U1EF5 # y with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <Y> : "Ỵ" U1EF4 # Y with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <z> : "ẓ" U1E93 # z with dot below <Multi_key> <greater> <Z> : "Ẓ" U1E92 # Z with dot below # Accented Letters with Dot Below <Multi_key> <question> <a> : "ậ" U1EAD # a with circumflex and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <A> : "Ậ" U1EAC # A with circumflex and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <e> : "ệ" U1EC7 # e with circumflex and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <E> : "Ệ" U1EC6 # E with circumflex and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <f> : "ḝ" U1E1D # e with cedilla and breve <Multi_key> <question> <F> : "Ḝ" U1E1C # E with cedilla and breve <Multi_key> <question> <l> : "ḹ" U1E39 # l with dot below and macron <Multi_key> <question> <L> : "Ḹ" U1E38 # L with dot below and macron <Multi_key> <question> <o> : "ộ" U1ED9 # o with circumflex and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <O> : "Ộ" U1ED8 # O with circumflex and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <p> : "ợ" U1EE3 # o with horn and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <P> : "Ợ" U1EE2 # O with horn and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <q> : "ặ" U1EB7 # a with breve and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <Q> : "Ặ" U1EB6 # A with breve and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <r> : "ṝ" U1E5D # r with dot below and macron <Multi_key> <question> <R> : "Ṝ" U1E5C # R with dot below and macron <Multi_key> <question> <s> : "ṩ" U1E69 # s with dot below and dot above <Multi_key> <question> <S> : "Ṩ" U1E68 # S with dot below and dot above <Multi_key> <question> <u> : "ự" U1EF1 # u with horn and dot below <Multi_key> <question> <U> : "Ự" U1EF0 # U with horn and dot below # Miscellaneous Symbols and Dingbats <Multi_key> <1> <a> : "☀" U2600 # black sun with rays <Multi_key> <1> <b> : "☁" U2601 # cloud <Multi_key> <1> <c> : "☂" U2602 # umbrella <Multi_key> <1> <d> : "☃" U2603 # snowman <Multi_key> <1> <e> : "☄" U2604 # comet <Multi_key> <1> <f> : "★" U2605 # black star <Multi_key> <1> <g> : "☆" U2606 # white star <Multi_key> <1> <h> : "☎" U260E # black telephone <Multi_key> <1> <i> : "☏" U260F # white telephone <Multi_key> <1> <j> : "☐" U2610 # ballot box <Multi_key> <1> <k> : "☑" U2611 # ballot box with check <Multi_key> <1> <l> : "☒" U2612 # ballot box with x <Multi_key> <1> <m> : "☙" U2619 # reversed rotated floral heart bullet <Multi_key> <1> <n> : "☚" U261A # black left-pointing index <Multi_key> <1> <o> : "☛" U261B # black right-pointing index <Multi_key> <1> <p> : "☜" U261C # white left-pointing index <Multi_key> <1> <q> : "☝" U261D # white up-pointing index <Multi_key> <1> <r> : "☞" U261E # white right-pointing index <Multi_key> <1> <s> : "☟" U261F # white down-pointing index <Multi_key> <1> <t> : "☠" U2620 # skull and crossbones <Multi_key> <1> <u> : "☡" U2621 # caution sign <Multi_key> <1> <v> : "☢" U2622 # radioactive sign <Multi_key> <1> <w> : "☣" U2623 # biohazard sign <Multi_key> <1> <x> : "☹" U2639 # white frowning face <Multi_key> <1> <y> : "☺" U263A # white smiling face <Multi_key> <1> <z> : "☻" U263B # black smiling face <Multi_key> <2> <a> : "☼" U263C # white sun with rays <Multi_key> <2> <b> : "☽" U263D # first quarter moon <Multi_key> <2> <c> : "☾" U263E # last quarter moon <Multi_key> <2> <d> : "♀" U2640 # female sign (Venus) <Multi_key> <2> <e> : "♂" U2642 # male sign (Mars) <Multi_key> <2> <f> : "♨" U2668 # hot springs <Multi_key> <2> <g> : "♩" U2669 # quarter note <Multi_key> <2> <h> : "♪" U266A # eighth note <Multi_key> <2> <i> : "♫" U266B # beamed eighth notes <Multi_key> <2> <j> : "♬" U266C # beamed sixteenth notes <Multi_key> <2> <k> : "♭" U266D # music flat sign <Multi_key> <2> <l> : "♮" U266E # music natural sign <Multi_key> <2> <m> : "♯" U266F # music sharp sign <Multi_key> <2> <n> : "♲" U2672 # universal recycling symbol <Multi_key> <2> <o> : "♺" U267A # recycling symbol for generic materials <Multi_key> <2> <p> : "♻" U267B # black universal recycling symbol <Multi_key> <2> <q> : "♿" U267F # wheelchair symbol <Multi_key> <2> <r> : "⚐" U2690 # white flag <Multi_key> <2> <s> : "⚑" U2691 # black flag <Multi_key> <2> <t> : "⚛" U269B # atom symbol <Multi_key> <2> <u> : "⚠" U26A0 # warning sign <Multi_key> <2> <v> : "⚡" U26A1 # high voltage sign <Multi_key> <2> <w> : "⛔" U26D4 # no entry <Multi_key> <2> <x> : "⌚" U231A # watch <Multi_key> <2> <y> : "⌛" U231B # hourglass <Multi_key> <3> <a> : "✁" U2701 # upper blade scissors <Multi_key> <3> <b> : "✂" U2702 # black scissors <Multi_key> <3> <c> : "✃" U2703 # lower blade scissors <Multi_key> <3> <d> : "✄" U2704 # white scissors <Multi_key> <3> <e> : "✆" U2706 # telephone location sign <Multi_key> <3> <f> : "✇" U2707 # tape drive <Multi_key> <3> <g> : "✈" U2708 # airplane <Multi_key> <3> <h> : "✉" U2709 # envelope <Multi_key> <3> <i> : "✊" U270A # raised fist <Multi_key> <3> <j> : "✋" U270B # raised hand <Multi_key> <3> <k> : "✌" U270C # victory hand <Multi_key> <3> <l> : "✍" U270D # writing hand <Multi_key> <3> <m> : "✎" U270E # lower right pencil <Multi_key> <3> <n> : "✏" U270F # pencil <Multi_key> <3> <o> : "✐" U2710 # upper right pencil <Multi_key> <3> <p> : "✑" U2711 # white nib <Multi_key> <3> <q> : "✒" U2712 # black nib <Multi_key> <3> <r> : "✓" U2713 # check mark <Multi_key> <3> <s> : "✔" U2714 # heavy check mark <Multi_key> <3> <t> : "✕" U2715 # multiplication x <Multi_key> <3> <u> : "✖" U2716 # heavy multiplication x <Multi_key> <3> <v> : "✗" U2717 # ballot x <Multi_key> <3> <w> : "✘" U2718 # heavy ballot x <Multi_key> <3> <x> : "✙" U2719 # outlined Greek cross <Multi_key> <3> <y> : "✚" U271A # heavy Greek cross <Multi_key> <3> <z> : "✛" U271B # open centre cross <Multi_key> <4> <a> : "✜" U271C # heavy open centre cross <Multi_key> <4> <b> : "✝" U271D # Latin cross <Multi_key> <4> <c> : "✞" U271E # shadowed white Latin cross <Multi_key> <4> <d> : "✟" U271F # outlined Latin cross <Multi_key> <4> <e> : "✠" U2720 # Maltese cross <Multi_key> <4> <f> : "✡" U2721 # star of David <Multi_key> <4> <g> : "✢" U2722 # four teardrop-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <4> <h> : "✣" U2723 # four balloon-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <4> <i> : "✤" U2724 # heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <4> <j> : "✥" U2725 # four club-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <4> <k> : "✦" U2726 # black four-pointed star <Multi_key> <4> <l> : "✧" U2727 # white four-pointed star <Multi_key> <4> <m> : "✩" U2729 # stress outlined white star <Multi_key> <4> <n> : "✪" U272A # circled white star <Multi_key> <4> <o> : "✫" U272B # open centre black star <Multi_key> <4> <p> : "✬" U272C # black centre white star <Multi_key> <4> <q> : "✭" U272D # outlined black star <Multi_key> <4> <r> : "✮" U272E # heavy outlined black star <Multi_key> <4> <s> : "✯" U272F # pinwheel star <Multi_key> <4> <t> : "✰" U2730 # shadowed white star <Multi_key> <4> <u> : "✱" U2731 # heavy asterisk <Multi_key> <4> <v> : "✲" U2732 # open centre asterisk <Multi_key> <4> <w> : "✳" U2733 # eight-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <4> <x> : "✴" U2734 # eight-pointed black star <Multi_key> <4> <y> : "✵" U2735 # eight-pointed pinwheel star <Multi_key> <4> <z> : "✶" U2736 # six-pointed black star <Multi_key> <5> <a> : "✷" U2737 # eight-pointed rectilinear black star <Multi_key> <5> <b> : "✸" U2738 # heavy eight-pointed rectilinear black star <Multi_key> <5> <c> : "✹" U2739 # twelve pointed black star <Multi_key> <5> <d> : "✺" U273A # sixteen-pointed asterisk <Multi_key> <5> <e> : "✻" U273B # teardrop-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <5> <f> : "✼" U273C # open centre teardrop-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <5> <g> : "✽" U273D # heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <5> <h> : "✾" U273E # six-petalled black and white florette <Multi_key> <5> <i> : "✿" U273F # black florette <Multi_key> <5> <j> : "❀" U2740 # white florette <Multi_key> <5> <k> : "❁" U2741 # eight-petalled outlined black florette <Multi_key> <5> <l> : "❂" U2742 # circled open centre eight-pointed star <Multi_key> <5> <m> : "❃" U2743 # heavy teardrop-spoked pinwheel asterisk <Multi_key> <5> <n> : "❄" U2744 # snowflake <Multi_key> <5> <o> : "❅" U2745 # tight trifoliate snowflake <Multi_key> <5> <p> : "❆" U2746 # heavy chevron snowflake <Multi_key> <5> <q> : "❇" U2747 # sparkle <Multi_key> <5> <r> : "❈" U2748 # heavy sparkle <Multi_key> <5> <s> : "❉" U2749 # balloon-spoked asterisk <Multi_key> <5> <t> : "❊" U274A # eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk <Multi_key> <5> <u> : "❋" U274B # heavy eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk <Multi_key> <5> <v> : "❍" U274D # shadowed white circle <Multi_key> <5> <w> : "❏" U274F # lower right drop-shadowed white square <Multi_key> <5> <x> : "❐" U2750 # upper right drop-shadowed white square <Multi_key> <5> <y> : "❑" U2751 # lower right shadowed white square <Multi_key> <5> <z> : "❒" U2752 # upper right shadowed white square <Multi_key> <6> <a> : "❖" U2756 # black diamond minus white x <Multi_key> <6> <b> : "❘" U2758 # light vertical bar <Multi_key> <6> <c> : "❙" U2759 # medium vertical bar <Multi_key> <6> <d> : "❚" U275A # heavy vertical bar <Multi_key> <6> <e> : "❛" U275B # heavy single turned comma quotation mark ornament <Multi_key> <6> <f> : "❜" U275C # heavy single comma quotation mark ornament <Multi_key> <6> <g> : "❝" U275D # heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament <Multi_key> <6> <h> : "❞" U275E # heavy double comma quotation mark ornament <Multi_key> <6> <i> : "❟" U275F # heavy low single comma quotation mark ornament <Multi_key> <6> <j> : "❠" U2760 # heavy low double comma quotation mark ornament <Multi_key> <6> <k> : "❡" U2761 # curved stem paragraph sign ornament <Multi_key> <6> <l> : "❢" U2762 # heavy exclamation mark ornament <Multi_key> <6> <m> : "❣" U2763 # heavy heart exclamation mark ornament <Multi_key> <6> <n> : "❤" U2764 # heavy black heart <Multi_key> <6> <o> : "❥" U2765 # rotated heavy black heart bullet <Multi_key> <6> <p> : "❦" U2766 # floral heart <Multi_key> <6> <q> : "❧" U2767 # rotated floral heart bullet <Multi_key> <7> <a> : "➔" U2794 # heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <b> : "➘" U2798 # heavy south east arrow <Multi_key> <7> <c> : "➙" U2799 # heavy rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <d> : "➚" U279A # heavy north east arrow <Multi_key> <7> <e> : "➛" U279B # drafting point rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <f> : "➜" U279C # heavy round-tipped rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <g> : "➝" U279D # triangle-headed rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <h> : "➞" U279E # heavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <i> : "➟" U279F # dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <j> : "➠" U27A0 # heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <k> : "➡" U27A1 # black rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <l> : "➢" U27A2 # 3d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead <Multi_key> <7> <m> : "➣" U27A3 # 3d bottom-lighted rightwards arrowhead <Multi_key> <7> <n> : "➤" U27A4 # black rightwards arrowhead <Multi_key> <7> <o> : "➥" U27A5 # heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <p> : "➦" U27A6 # heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <q> : "➧" U27A7 # squat black rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <r> : "➨" U27A8 # heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <s> : "➩" U27A9 # right-shaded white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <t> : "➪" U27AA # left-shaded white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <u> : "➫" U27AB # back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <v> : "➬" U27AC # front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <w> : "➭" U27AD # heavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <x> : "➮" U27AE # heavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <y> : "➯" U27AF # notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <7> <z> : "➱" U27B1 # notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <a> : "➲" U27B2 # circled heavy white rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <b> : "➳" U27B3 # white-feathered rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <c> : "➴" U27B4 # black-feathered south east arrow <Multi_key> <8> <d> : "➵" U27B5 # black-feathered rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <e> : "➶" U27B6 # black-feathered north east arrow <Multi_key> <8> <f> : "➷" U27B7 # heavy black-feathered south east arrow <Multi_key> <8> <g> : "➸" U27B8 # heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <h> : "➹" U27B9 # heavy black-feathered north east arrow <Multi_key> <8> <i> : "➺" U27BA # teardrop-barbed rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <j> : "➻" U27BB # heavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <k> : "➼" U27BC # wedge-tailed rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <l> : "➽" U27BD # heavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <m> : "➾" U27BE # open-outlined rightwards arrow <Multi_key> <8> <n> : "⟁" U27C1 # white triangle containing small white triangle # Dingbat Negative Circled Digits <Multi_key> <n> <1> : "❶" U2776 # dingbat negative circled digit 1 <Multi_key> <n> <2> : "❷" U2777 # dingbat negative circled digit 2 <Multi_key> <n> <3> : "❸" U2778 # dingbat negative circled digit 3 <Multi_key> <n> <4> : "❹" U2779 # dingbat negative circled digit 4 <Multi_key> <n> <5> : "❺" U277A # dingbat negative circled digit 5 <Multi_key> <n> <6> : "❻" U277B # dingbat negative circled digit 6 <Multi_key> <n> <7> : "❼" U277C # dingbat negative circled digit 7 <Multi_key> <n> <8> : "❽" U277D # dingbat negative circled digit 8 <Multi_key> <n> <9> : "❾" U277E # dingbat negative circled digit 9 <Multi_key> <n> <0> : "❿" U277F # dingbat negative circled digit 10
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