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List of International/Extended US (UK) Keyboard Layouts


This page contains a list of websites which I found on the internet,
working on similar enhancements for US (or UK) QWERTY and usually,
also having the dead keys on AltGr (Right Alt), like UltimateKEYS :


GitHub - Projects with AltGr Dead Keys (Windows/Linux/macOS)
GitHub : [altgr]

EurKEY - European Keyboard Layout (GPL v3, Windows/Linux/macOS)
Website :
GitHub : (clone project, unofficial)

Western European keyboard (with AltGr dead keys) (Windows/Linux/macOS)
Website : /

USA International (AltGr dead keys) on Windows
Website :

United States - Reformed International (Windows/Linux/macOS)
GitHub :

Conkey - A keyboard layout for conlangers (Windows/Linux/macOS)
GitHub :

QWERTY-fr - QWERTY layout with extra symbols and diacritics (Windows/Linux/macOS)
Website :
GitHub :

US QWERTY+ Keyboard Layout (Windows)
Website :

US International Scientific Keyboard Layout - BelugaHaechi (Windows)
GitHub :

KreativeKorp - SuperLatin Keyboard Layout (Windows/Linux/macOS)
Website :

KbdKaz 500 - free keyboard layout for Windows
Website : /
gHacks :

Pan-European keyboard layout (Windows)
Download :
US :
UK :
Main page :

English (intl., with AltGr dead keys) keyboard layout - by Scott Severance (Windows)
Website :
Main page :

Zolid - UK International keyboard (Windows/Linux)
Windows :
Linux :
Main page :

US Multilingual Keyboard Layout (Windows)
Website : (on Internet Archive)

French qwerty keyboard - clavier qwerty avec accents français (Windows/Linux/macOS)
Website :
Main page :

QWaccent - QWERTY keyboard layout with additional shortcuts to easily write in French (Windows)
GitHub :

QWERTY-Lafayette - A Qwerty layout for French-speaking users (Windows/Linux/macOS)
Website : (in French)
GitHub :

Alternate Keyboards (and 'New US Keyboard Layouts') for Windows
Website :[/#us-gen]

English (International) Keyboard Layout - NAROD·RU (Windows)
Website : (EN/RU)
Main page : (EN/RU)

Q International QWERTY Keyboard - Omniglot (Windows)
Website :

Keyferret - Intuitive Unicode keyboard input (Windows)
Website :

UK super-extended keyboard - Andrew Swaine (Windows)
Website :
Main page :


Colemak Keyboard Layout

Colemak Keyboard Layout (Windows/Linux/macOS)
Website :
Website :

Colemak-DH - DreymaR's Big Bag of Kbd Tricks - The Big Bag Theory
Website :

Colemak-DH - Ergonomic Keyboard Mods
Website :


New AZERTY - Proposed Keyboard Layout Reform

AFNOR - The new AZERTY - Le nouvel AZERTY
Website : (FR)
Website : (EN)


Other Tools

AutoHotkey - Needed for the AHK scripts (GPL v2, Windows)
Website :
GitHub Releases :

Keyboard Layout Editor (open source, all platforms)
Website :

Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator (MSKLC) Version 1.4 (updated on 2020-10-02)
Website :

Emoji Picker - Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (2017) and later
Press Win Key + Period (.) or Win Key + Semicolon (;) to type emoji, kaomoji and symbols.

Holdkey - Press and hold down a letter to view a list of symbols belonging to that same group (Windows)
Website :

Keyboard Layout Files Creator - Create advanced keyboard layouts in various formats (GPL v3, runs on Linux)
GitHub :

KbdEdit - A comprehensive keyboard layout editor, which can read and import MSKLC (.KLC) files and also supports 'chained dead keys' (Windows)
Website :

WinCompose - A compose key (by default: Right Alt) for Windows
Website :
GitHub :
gHacks :

Ukelele - A Unicode Keyboard Layout Editor for macOS
Website :
Main page :


Websites - Documentation about Keyboard Layouts

A Visual Comparison of Different National Layouts on a Computer Keyboard - Miguel Farah
Website :

Keyboard Layout Info - Website about keyboard layouts in Windows
Website :

Description of XCompose - (Linux)
Website :

Complete list of AppleScript key codes - (macOS)
Website :

Where can I find a list of Mac virtual key codes? - Stack Overflow
Website :

Virtual Key Codes (macOS) -
Website :

Remapping Keys in macOS 10.12 Sierra - Technical Note TN2450 - Apple
Website :

80 Mac Keyboard Layouts - Identification Guide + Illustrations - Keyshorts
Website :

How to customise keyboard layouts (macOS) - The Eclectic Light Company
Website :


Important Notice - Security

=> Win/Linux :  Only use "BASIC LATIN" characters (codes 32 to 126) for your Windows, Microsoft Live and Linux passwords !
Otherwise, it might be impossible to type any Unicode character higher than "Basic Latin" at the login screen/prompt (due to a different keyboard configuration) !  =>  ACCOUNT LOCKOUT
=> Win/Linux :  ALWAYS make your system passwords VISIBLE during modification !    GitHub Release    GitHub Testing

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
UltimateKEYS is Free Software, licensed as GNU General Public License Version 3 (base layout: Public Domain).
The documentation of UltimateKEYS is licensed as GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.3.
The Dove of Peace (via Wikimedia Commons) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.