Dove of Peace Stand with Ukraine

Stand with the People of Ukraine
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UltimateKEYS Keyboard Layout (Windows/Linux)

International US QWERTY layout with AltGr (Right Alt) dead keys via AutoHotkey (Win), MSKLC (Win) and XKB/Xmodmap + .XCompose (Linux).

Download the latest release


XKB integration (Linux)

Integration in GNU/Linux via XKB (X11) :  see the folders 'linux-xkb' and 'linux-xcompose' in this repository (or latest release).


Important - Known limitations of AutoHotkey, Windows and Linux

Win/Linux :  When changing the Windows/Microsoft Live/Linux password, using another keyboard layout can INTERFERE in some cases where your keystrokes are either registered via the other layout or as standard US QWERTY.

Win (AHK) :  On the login screen, the layout script will NOT be loaded, which can result in the WRONG input !
Linux :  On the login screen, the layout might NOT be available, which can result in the WRONG input !

=> Win/Linux :  Only use "BASIC LATIN" characters (codes 32 to 126) for your Windows, Microsoft Live and Linux passwords !
Otherwise, it might be impossible to type any Unicode character higher than "Basic Latin" at the login screen/prompt (due to a different keyboard configuration) !  =>  ACCOUNT LOCKOUT
=> Win/Linux :  To be "better safe than sorry", ALWAYS make your system passwords VISIBLE during modification !


Documentation - Compose Key Sequences    GitHub Release    GitHub Testing

UltimateKEYS is Free Software and is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 3.
This website and its contents are licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License Version 1.3.
The Dove of Peace (via Wikimedia Commons) is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported.